
Saiyan moon fourth of july party part 1

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the following is a fan based parody all music and characters are copyrighted to their respective owners please support the offical release… Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero Mythos: Departure

in the gravity room taylor was going far beyond his limits

Taylor: Nappa what level of gravity am I at?

Ghost Nappa: 78,066 but I have to ask why are you doing this?

Taylor: The past few nights I gotten no sleep and all because of this Bardock Syndrome.

Ghost Nappa: What's that?

Taylor: I see visions of the past further  and what I saw last night I never want to happen.

Ghost Nappa: What did you see?

Taylor: Blackheart killed Raye when he was trying to kill me.

Ghost Nappa: Oh sorry I asked.

Taylor: Its ok I already told Vegeta and I asked him not to tell anyone. Not even Ben.

Ghost Nappa: But why there your friends you should tell them

Taylor: Nappa, If I did tell them they would just get hurt and I don't want them to get hurt besides its my fault that Blackheart even lives.

meanwhile everyone else besides Vegeta was just getting up

Raye: *yawn* Tay...

To Rayes surprise Taylor was not in bed with her.

Raye: *monologue* I wonder where he went... oh well I better get dressed

meanwhile with Taylor and Nappa

Ghost Nappa: Hey Taylor.

Taylor: What Nappa ?

Ghost Nappa: Everyones up now.

Taylor: Really? Say, Nappa, what day is it?

Ghost Nappa: July 4th why?

Taylor: Oh I have some gifts for Raye and the girls. Also I set up a fireworks show at nine tonight I figured it be a good opportunity for Ben to get closer to Lita. Plus I don't know if you have noticed but I think Ben  might want to get a ring to propose to Lita with at some point.

Ghost Nappa: I have noticed I spied on them here and there.

Taylor: WHAT NAPPA?!

Ghost Nappa: Oh come on give me a break. I can’t do much other then haunt people or spy on them.

Taylor: Well you do make a fair point. I mean you are a ghost after all well. I think I’m done in here for the day now I should get back to work on my new project.

Taylor turned off the gravity and headed to a empty room with a bunch of machine parts  

Ghost Nappa: What's all these parts for Taylor?

Taylor: Well remember the healing pods back home?

Ghost Nappa: Yeah?

Taylor: I plan on building some here plus a operator room like the ones in X’s and Zeros further and maybe a lab

Ghost Nappa: But what for?

Taylor: Well when I finish the operator room we going to need someone to work there so I’m going to rebuild a reploid that Zero might be happy to see.

Meanwhile with Ben and Lita. The sunlight shone over two warriors in love. Lita dug her face deeper into Ben's chest, whose arm was wrapped protectively and comfortably around Lita.

Lita:  *In head*This is what I’ve waited so long for.

Lita looked up groggily at Ben, whose face was relaxed and at peace, making Ben seem younger than he was.

Lita: *In head* Bens so cute when he sleeps.

Lita looked over at her clock, the time stating it was 10:00 am.

Lita: *quiet murmur*Ben sure loves his sleep.

Ben’s eyes slowly opened, and his head turned towards Lita, who turned her face to see Bens.

Ben: I love my sleep. But I love you even more.

Lita: I’m sorry if I woke you.

Ben: *yawn* Don’t worry. Besides, you do know what day it is right?

Lita: Uhm… Fourth of July?

Ben: Yep. Official day when America rubs its victory in Britains face. Its pretty sad. But I like fireworks, and its an excuse to party, so what the heck.

Lita: Thats sort of a dark way to look at it. Its when America got its independence.

Ben: Hmm?

Lita: What is it?

Ben: “ Theres a random butterfinger on the table. I don’t remember it being there when we got here.

Lita: I didn’t put it there.

Ben: Maybe someone snuck in and decided to give us a present.

Lita: Well, it was nice of them, although random.

Ben: Yesterday we encountered Jimmy the Space Walrus who has a potato addiction, and we’re called some butterfinger on the table random.

Ben and Lita chuckled/ giggled.

Lita: You got a point there. Well, I suppose we should get up.

Ben: It is a completely optional decision. We could lay here all day.

Lita: You know, for an extremely powerful Saiyan warrior, I didn’t expect you to get lazy all of a sudden.

Ben: It’s not laziness, it's just laying down all day and not doing anything except being with the one I love.

Lita: I accept the flattery, but not the laziness. Time to do something with our lives today.

Ben: Alrighty then. Lets get moving!

Ben and Lita got out of bed. They each changed separately, as to respect each others privacy. Ben went out into his own room to change, shower, brush teeth and hair, etc.

Ben: While I’m out and about, I should talk to Bulma about ship upgrades.

Ben walked through the hall and saw Vegeta down the hall.

Ben: Hey Vegeta.

Vegeta: Hello Ben.

Ben: Quick question. Wheres Bulma right now?

Vegeta: Quick answer. Shes at the food court right now getting something to eat. Why?

Ben: I need to talk to her about ship upgrades.

Vegeta: Yeah, I’ll leave that sort of stuff to you.

Ben: Vegeta?

Vegeta: Yes?

Ben: You seem a bit more tense than usual.

Vegeta: I always seem tense. I’m a Saiyan Prince.

Ben: Yes I know this, seeing as I’m a Saiyan as well.

Vegeta: Yeah, about that…

Ben: Hmm?

Vegeta: You're a full blood Saiyan right?

Ben: Yes, I am. What of it?

Vegeta: A trait of all Saiyans, full blooded in particular, have black hair and eyes. You have brown hair and very blue eyes. How is that?

Ben: Maybe its a mutation? Your son Trunks has white/ purple hair and blue eyes, and he’s still a Saiyan.

Vegeta: Yes, except Bulma is human, so that makes him a half blooded Saiyan. He has the excuse of having a human parent to explain his differences.

Ben: I don’t know. I just guess I’m special this way. Well, I’ll talk some more to you later.

Ben sped off towards the food court.

Meanwhile with Taylor and Ghost Nappa.

Ghost Nappa: You sure you could build all this?

Taylor: It’ll be fine so long as I follow the instructions.

Ghost Nappa: Good luck with that. I mean, look at all those measurements and numbers and math and stuff. These directions are making my mind spin.

Taylor: Ugh, these instructions are even worse than math class over at school. This stuff doesn’t make any sense!

Ghost Nappa: Its not like we don’t have a very skilled engineer and inventor on board.

Taylor: Good idea Nappa. This would take too long for us to figure out and build, and besides, I agree this stuff is making my head really hurt.

Ghost Nappa: Hey Taylor, I learned a new trick that’ll be really useful.

Taylor: Really? Whats this trick?

Ghost Nappa: As a ghost, I’ve learned a trick similar to your technique of tracking power levels. I can pinpoint and locate anybody I’ve met by tracking specific life force signatures. Bulma is currently in the food court.

Taylor: Well, that IS useful. Having you haunt me is becoming more and more convenient.

Ghost Nappa: Purgatory has been really boring ever since Vegeta figured out a way to repel my haunting him.

Taylor and Ghost Nappa began walking towards the food court when Taylors one weakness obstructed their way.

Taylor: OXYGEN! NOOOO! LOL, nevermind.

Raye: Taylor.,where were you? And what happened to your hand?

Taylor: I was… I was training a bit to shake off some things that have been on my mind and I..uh.. I…

Ghost Nappa: You fell down some stairs.

Taylor: I fell down some stairs.

Raye: You managed to get just your palm cut from falling down stairs? The handrail is round and smooth, how’d a Saiyan Prince get cut so easily while somehow falling down stairs and not flying to stop your fall?

Ghost Nappa: Well, this isn’t good.

Raye: And why is there a flying Butterfinger slowly disappearing behind you?

Taylor turned around and saw Ghost Nappa nervously munching on a butterfinger.

Taylor: At a time like this Nappa?

Ghost Nappa: Eating helps me when I get nervous. Besides, its a butterfinger, can’t go wrong at a time like this.

Taylor: Yes except she can see the butterfinger!

Ghost Nappa: Uh oh.

Taylor: What is it now?

Raye: Taylor, why are you talking to the butterfinger?

Taylor and Ghost Nappa stopped talking, and the two of them laughed.

Taylor: Um, how to explain this. Raye, I’m being haunted.

Raye: By a butterfinger? There is worst things to be haunted by.

Taylor: Not the butterfinger.

Ghost Nappa: *nom nom nom* MMM SO GOOD. *nom nom nom*

Taylor: Not a good time Nappa!

Raye: Your being haunted by a Nappa?

Taylor: Yes. Nappa is a saiyan warrior who bravely died when Vegeta first came here, when he was under control of the evil Frieza.

Raye: Okay, now it sorta makes sense.

Ghost Nappa: Thanks for tactfully excluding the part where Vegeta killed me. You make me sound a lot better than I was.

Taylor: No problem.

Raye: So why can’t I see Nappa?

Taylor: Apparently, only those who have or are being haunted by Ghost Nappa can see and hear him for some reason. Though that doesn’t explain the butterfingers.

Raye: So Ghost Nappa has a butterfinger addiction?

Ghost Nappa: Its not a addiction, its a hobby.

Taylor: Nappa, since when is eating butterfingers considered a hobby?

Ghost Nappa: Since the day I had my first butterfinger. *nom nom nom*

Raye: What did you really do Taylor? I’m not buying your stairs idea.

Ghost Nappa: Jeez, she can really see right through you. After all, she is your wife.

Taylor: Yes Nappa, I’m fully aware of that. I was there when it started. Anywho, what I said was half true. I was training to shake off some thoughts. But last night I had to perform an ancient and nearly forgotten ritual that allows me to speak to the Saiyan Kings before my father. The 3 Saiyan Kings, in all their pride and wisdom, informed me that my evil clone, Dark Taylor, or better known as Blackheart, has returned. He isn’t at his full power yet, but he is making an alliance with almost every villain ever known, even some lesser known or much weaker villains. He plans to wage an overwhelming war against us, me in particular.

Raye: Thats terrible. But before we go make an army of our own, we may as well enjoy the 4th of July.

Ghost Nappa: Ghost Nappa agrees with this.

Taylor: Well, how could I say no to you? LETS PARTY!

Raye grabbed Taylor before he sped off.

Raye: Not on an empty stomach.

Taylor: Oh yeah. Good catch there.

Taylor, Raye, and a munching Ghost Nappa walked down the corridor to the food court. When they arrived, they saw Ben and Lita enter the food court at the same time, hands held.

Raye: Looks like they’re getting along really well with their newfound relationship.

Taylor: Well, Ben is a powerful, trustworthy and reliable Saiyan warrior, loyal and secretly very wise. I learned quite a few things from him.

Raye: Ben seems like a very valuable friend to everyone.

Ben: Oh hey Taylor and Raye. How are you two lovebirds going?

Taylor: Awesome.

Lita: Say Taylor, what happened-

Taylor: Don’t ask.

Raye: He fell down some stairs. *giggle*

Lita: Taylor get cut by falling down some stairs? After all he’s been through? *giggle*

Raye and Lita giggled, leaving the men to stare awkwardly.

Taylor: SO, Ben. You and Lita get any where last n-

Ben: Oh yeah, the date went wonderfully.

Taylor: I meant afterward.

Ben: Uhm…

Taylor: Forget I asked.

Ben: Sure…

Raye and Lita went off to join the rest of the girls.

Ben: Well, I’ll be off. I gotta talk to Bulma for a bit.

Taylor: You too?

Ben: What are you planning on asking Bulma?

Taylor: Well, don’t tell anyone else okay? I’m trying to build a laboratory with some healing pods.

Ben: Why hide it? If its a laboratory, Bulmas probably gonna be there a lot anyways.

Taylor: I suppose seeing as I’m planning on asking if she could build it as the instructions are really confusing.

Ben: Could I take a look? I know a few things about engineering, and I work with computers anyways, lets see if I have a shot at it.

Taylor: Alright, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Taylor gave Ben the blueprints and instructions. Ben took a good long look at it, his studious eyes trying to perceive the information.

Ben: These are really hard to read. They’re all written in a fancy handstyle. Luckily, My moms handwriting are still harder to read than this. There is a lot of numbers here, and a lot of very specific measurements.

Taylor: Told ya so.

Ben: Bulma has all the needed tools and supplies, not to mention shes pretty used to stuff like this. Heck, if it comes with instructions, it’ll be a piece of cake for her.

Ghost Nappa: How about you two go ahead and tell Bulma your stuff.

Taylor: Well, here we go.

Taylor and Ben walked towards Bulma, who was busy talking to Chi Chi and other girls.

Taylor: Uhm, excuse me Bulma, could we have a moment to talk with you?

Bulma: Sure. Girls, I’ll be right back.

Bulma walked away with Taylor and Ben.

Bulma: So what is it? Something broken?

Ben: Could you upgrade the ship to have stealth equipment so that unwanted guests don’t come popping up here?

Bulma: Sure, I could manage that. I was already working on the equipment to do it. And you Taylor?

Taylor: I’m trying to build a laboratory with some healing pods in it. I mean, its in case we get running low on Senzu Beans.

Bulma: Of course.

Taylor: There was some weird instructions that came along with some parts of the healing pods.

Bulma: Could I see them?

Taylor handed over the instructions and blueprints.

Bulma: It looks really fancy. I can barely make out some of the words. Irt ta irt ot bog…

Ben: Put the 8 foot block under the wiring system.

Bulma: Ben, you can read this?

Ben: Yep. My moms handwriting is harder to read, so I learned how to read fancy lettering.

Bulma: Hey Ben, could you help me with this? If we work together, I could easily build upon this and make a prototype.

Ben: Sure, why not?

Taylor: Thanks Bulma. Thanks Ben.

Bulma: Hey, it just what I do.

Bulma returned to her seat with her fellow girls.

Taylor: Well, time to eat something.

Ben and Taylor went and ate, talking about training techniques and stuff warriors talk about.

Taylor: So, any new abilities you can do?

Ben: Actually yes. You see, Ki and Chakra are pretty much the same thing, so I’ve learned Narutos trademark move: The Rasengan!

Taylor: Rasengan? What the heck is that?

Ben: Here.

Ben put a hand on his wrist, and in no time a ball of swirling energy emerged from his hand.

Ben: I’ve yet to perfect it, but I thought I should open up to possible abilities and expand what moves I can do.

Taylor: Well, thats pretty interesting. I’ve been getting higher on my training with gravity.

Ben: Neat to hear.

They finished their food, and Ben headed towards the to be laboratory with Bulma, while Taylor then headed to the deck of the Saiyan Halberd to meditate. Taylor then sensed another life form on deck, a new one.

Taylor: Ghost Nappa, do you recognize the lifeforce of whatever that new thing is?

Ghost Nappa: Nope.

Super Kame Guru: NAIL. NAIL. Taylor is on deck. He does care about us.

Nail: As for that new life form on deck, that would be Bens new pet.

Taylor: New pet?

Super Kami Guru: NAIL. Show Taylor the Space Walrus.

Taylor: The what now?

Nail: I wondered the same thing.

Nail opened the door, and inside was a Space Walrus happily munching on potatoes.

Taylor: Jimmy the Space Walrus. Yep, this is something Ben would definitely ride and own this majestic creature.

Super Kami Guru: Why does everyone keep talking about how majestic this walrus is?

Taylor: I just figured that would be something Ben would say. I have no idea what made Ben think Jimmy here is at all majestic.

Jimmy fired a potato at Taylor, hitting his back as a retort.

Taylor: Okay Okay, your majestic.

Jimmy returned to his mountain of potatoes, making a strange and indescribable sound of enjoyment.


Taylor: It would probably hurt Bens feelings if I said no. So sure, lets keep this guy.

Taylor tossed a stray potato at Jimmy, who flew up and ate it, then flew back to his pile and fell asleep, weird snores sounding. Taylor closed the door, and walked to his meditation spot on the deck.

Ghost Nappa: So, gonna take a nap up here?

Taylor: Meditating Nappa.

Ghost Nappa: Is that what you're doing?

Taylor: Yes Nappa. Leave me alone for a bit. Go spy on someone or munch a butterfinger somewhere else please.

Ghost Nappa: How could I say no when you used the magic word?

Ghost Nappa passed back into the ship, munching on his butterfingers.

Taylor: Finally, some peace and quiet…

Meanwhile with Ben and Bulma.

Bulma: I appreciate your helping here.

Ben: I appreciate you helping me. Not so bad to help each other.

Bulma: So where does this microchip goe?

Ben: Right here.

Ben took the microchip and put it in its proper place.

Bulma: You know, now that I’ve already made a prototype version of the instructions you translated in my own handwriting, you don’t have to help me here.

Ben: I like helping out.

Bulma: If you say so.

Ben then sensed something, unsure of what it was, he walked outside the room to check it out. Ben looked about, and saw Lita.

Lita: So this is where you’ve been. What are you doing here?

Ben: I’m helping Bulma with making a laboratory as well as some modified healing pods.

Lita: By the way, we have a new member on board.

Ben: Really? That explains the new presence I sensed.

Lita: Come on, don’t be shy.

Iris: Hello. My name is Iris. I heard that Zero and X were on board, and it looked as though my work would best benefit you and your crew.

Ben: Nice to meet you Iris. My name is Ben. Although, Taylor is the one who owns this ship, so I’m part of the crew.

Iris: Alrighty then. Bulma, do you need some assistance?

Bulma: Sure, I could use another gal like you. Ben, you could leave this stuff to us.

Ben: Okay, I can take a hint.

Iris: I’m sure Bulma didn’t mean it to be disrespectful.

Ben: I know. Well, you two ladies take care of each other.

Lita: Have fun Iris!

Iris: I’ll have as much fun as I can, Lita. Have fun with your fruit.

Bulma: Fruit?

Ben chuckled.

Ben: I get it. I’m your date, and a date is also the name for a sort of fruit.

Lita: Ohh, now I get it.

Ben: Points for making jokes Iris. You’ll get along just fine here.

Iris: Thanks Ben. Well, Bulma, shall we proceed with the job?

Bulma: Yep. Could you hand me that wrench?

Ben and Lita walked off, leaving the two women to their work. They walked to the deck of the ship, and visited a sleeping Walrus.

Lita: My heads still blown about this Space Walrus deal.

Ben: And I love it!

Lita: Shh. I see Taylor…

Ben: Yep, hes meditating.

Taylor: I can hear both of you. I have namekian hearing.

Lita: Sorry for disturbing you.

Taylor: Nah, it’s fine. So have you met Iris yet?

Lita: Yep. Shes a really nice girl.

Ben: Yeah. Iris and Bulma are building that laboratory, healing pods, and the improvements I suggested.

Taylor: Neat to hear.

Lita: Say, isn’t she a reploid?

Taylor: Yes she is. I’m sure X and Zero would be thrilled to have her with us.

Ben: Hey Taylor?

Taylor: Yes Ben?

Ben: There is something important I need to talk to you about.

Taylor: Sure. Whats on your mind?

Ben: Remember that strange man I mentioned to you about last night?

Taylor: Yes?

Ben: He seemed to really know you. He wanted Lita and myself to lead him to you. He didn’t want to fight yet because he was afraid he would wake everyone on the ship.

Ghost Nappa: Could it be?

Taylor: So Blackheart was on the ship?

Lita: Who is Blackheart?

Ghost Nappa: If they really encountered him, they deserve to know Taylor. They are loyal to the end. And I’m very sure Ben can handle himself, considering he’s about as powerful as you.

Taylor: Nappa, its my responsibility to erase him once and for all. I can’t afford anyone else getting hurt because Blackheart still lives because of me.

Ben: I’m guessing that Blackheart is an evil embodiment of evil with overwhelming power?

Taylor: Well, you're not wrong.

Lita: Sounds like a fun time fighting!

Taylor: *sigh* Ben, Lita, if I tell you about Blackheart, you need to promise me not to go searching for him.

Ben: Okay, I promise.

Lita: I promise.

Taylor: I’m holding you two to your promises.

Ghost Nappa: Get on with it.

Taylor: Dark Taylor, or Blackheart as he is most known by, is a evil side that I split away from me years ago. I wanted to become as pure as possible after all the hate and negativity build up inside me. One day, all that negativity that build up inside me had split from me on its own accord. I thought that if I split the light and dark aspects from me, that I’d no longer feel the pains I had to suffer, like the destruction of my home. I realized too late that I was wrong, and before I could even try to fix my mistake, Blackheart had copied every aspect of me, including training, powers, and abilities. I had no choice but to attempt to kill him, but his power started becoming overwhelming, so I had to turn SS4 for the first time in order to face him. Even as a SS4, the fight was long and harsh, and Blackheart had managed to learn how to transform in forms similar to Super Saiyans. In the end, I managed to defeat him. Blackheart was in a near death stasis, struggling to cling onto existence. He looked so pitiful, and a part of me feels guilty for bringing him into this world. Even so, I finished him off with a Final Flash, thus bringing to the world the peace it had long deserved. Recently, I performed an ancient ritual in which can only be performed by Saiyans with royal blood flowing in their veins. I talked to the first three Saiyan Kings, who shared with me some wisdom. They told me that Blackheart is returning, much more powerful than ever, now with entire legions supporting him.

Lita: Huh. So thats the man man we might’ve met last night.

Taylor: I appreciate you not leading him to my room. You two are really good friends.

Lita: But somethings not right.

Taylor: What is it?

Lita: We have 4 Dragon Balls, so Blackheart couldn’t have possibly been wished back.

Ben: So there is only one way Blackheart could have returned without Dragonballs.

Ghost Nappa: They didn’t encounter Blackheart as a ghost, did they?

Taylor: I am curious Ben. Tell me already!

Ben: Blackheart is a part of you Taylor. And though he has become a person of his own, he still remains a part of you. Its a similar concept as Kami and Piccolo. A piece of Blackheart still remains in you, the memory of him. I don’t know if you can actually kill Blackheart. Blackheart will live as long as you live, if you live then he can use that small part of him to recover, though long it will be. Blackheart isn’t at his full power yet, so he is biding time and safety by making an entire armada of villains, no matter how weak some may be.

Ghost Nappa: This is a new concept that sorta makes sense.

Taylor: Ben likes to think Nappa. He thinks a lot and this sort of stuff tends to pop out.

Lita: So how is Taylor supposed to end Blackheart?

Ben: I’ll have to undergo a secret rite, but soon I’ll provide you with the only means to stopping Blackheart.

Taylor: What and how do I do it?

Ben: After killing Blackheart at his strongest, we need to contain him, trapping his essence.

Ghost Nappa: Why not kill Blackheart before he is at full power?

Taylor: Well for one thing, fighting a powerful and worthy foe is always fun for us Saiyans. Second, I think an all out fight would be most fitting for a final battle with my evil clone. Last of all, Blackheart can’t really touch or be touched until he becomes complete. To attack now would be as effective as punching a cloud. All he can do is talk and threaten at most.

Ghost Nappa: So in a way, he’s a ghost?

Taylor: In a way, yes.

Lita: Strange. But Ben, what are you planning on making to contain Blackheart?

Ben: I think I’ll leave it as a surprise for now. But even if Blackheart is sealed away, the item itself can break on the outside, impossible from the inside.

Lita: Exactly how impossible would it be?

Ben: Like Pilaf and his gang fighting Bills, the God of Destruction.

Taylor: Well, I like this plan.

Ben: It will be the only way to stop Blackheart. When we seal Blackheart away, we need to have a place where nobody can ever release him. We need to erase the memory of Blackheart afterward, so nobody will know or try to free Blackheart ever again.

Ghost Nappa: Sounds like a plan.

Trevor: Hey! We’re gonna start the fireworks very soon!

Simon: Better get your lawn chairs and beverages soon!

Soon, a large mass of people began getting up on the deck, lawn chairs put down and getting set.

Ben: Well, we should pick a different way in the ship as people are getting out the main way in.

Lita: If Goku’s out, he could use instant transmission to teleport us into the ship.

Goku: Sup Guys! You exited?

Taylor: Meh.

Lita: I am!

Ben: Hey Goku? Could you instant transmit us into the ship? We can’t enter the usual way.

Goku: Sure. Hold on to me for a second.

Taylor, Ben, and Lita put a hand on Goku while two fingers touched the temple of his head. Goku teleported them into the food court.

Taylor: Why am I not surprised that the place you chose is where the food is?

Goku: Hey, you know me! A holiday is as good as any excuse to EAT!

Lita giggled at bit.

Ben: Uhm, thanks Goku.

Goku: Hey, no issues buddies! I’ll see you at the top of the ship.

Ben: The deck.

Goku: Yes, that.

The four mentioned heroes split up to gather their things for the party on the deck.

Taylor: Hmm, now where did I put those lawn chairs? Oh, there they are.

Taylor found two lawn chairs for his wife and himself. Beside it was a cooler full of a variety of drinks, like Dr. Pepper and the sort.

Ben: Theres my lawn chair and cooler. Hmm… Blackheart seems like a worthy opponent if he’s as strong as Taylor says. I’ll have to see how long I can keep my promise.

Lita: There is my lawn chair and cooler. I think I can keep my promise to Taylor, but I know Bens curiosity and also just the warrior instinct. I just hope everyone gets out in one piece.

Meanwhile with Raye.

Raye: Wow, there is a lot of people crowding out of the ship. I hope Taylor can get here just fine. Oh, who am I kidding, Taylor will be just fine.

Mina: Oh hey Raye.

Raye: Hey Mina.

Mina: So, hows Taylor now that you two cuties are married now?

Raye: Its wonderful. Although Taylor seems kinda tense each night, but hes fine so long as I move a little on his side to remind him that I’m there for him.

Mina: Thats adorable! Andrew has been really busy lately, but he does make sure to spend as much time as he could afford with me so.

Raye: Well, looks like the line is finally thinned out to a few people. Thank god that the ships deck is big enough to comfortably hold everyone.

Andrew: Hello girls. Excited for the fireworks?

Raye: I sure am.

Mina: I LOVE FIREWORKS! Hey Andrew, could we go sit over there?

Mina pointed at a part of the ship, and Andrew nodded and brought the coolers and lawn chairs over there slowly and carefully to not bump into people as much as possible.

Raye: Andrew seems really tired. He is really loyal, isn’t he?

Mina: You bet! Much like how loyal Taylor is to you, Andrew is all mine now.

Raye: Don’t ever let him go, Mina.

Mina: You don’t ever leave Taylor, you hear? I doubt you’ll ever find anyone in the world quite like him.

Raye: Don’t you worry.

Chi Chi: Hello girls.

Raye: Hello Chi Chi.

Mina: Wait, when did Chi Chi get here?

Chi Chi: I’ve been here for a while! Goku needs to spend time with his family more often. So I brought the kids along.

Gohan: Hello Raye, hello Mina!

Goten: Hello Miss Mina, hello Mrs. Raye.

Raye: Your kinda cute Goten!

Mina: So Gohan, hows Videl?

Gohan: Um, shes doing very well lately.

Chi Chi: I’ll show them where they’ll be sleeping later. Now I gotta hunt down my silly husband.

Raye: Same here. I gotta hunt my husband now. He can’t be missing any fireworks, not while we could get a nice romantic moment out of this.

Raye headed towards the stairs that led into the ship, but then Taylor suddenly popped up in front of her.


Taylor: *chuckle* I’m sorry, did I surprise you?

Raye: *sigh* Yes you did. I was just about to get you for the fireworks.

Taylor: Well, here I am. How about we go up on my usual meditation spot up there? We’ll have a wonderful view and a bit of privacy.

Raye: Sure. And I see you got the cooler and the lawn chairs.

Taylor: Yeah, I had to get back into the Saiyan Halberd to get these. What sort of 4th of July celebration would it be if we were thirsty and on hard floors to sit? If I couldn’t do that much, what sort of Saiyan Prince would I be?

Taylor and Raye flew up to the meditation deck, having a perfect view of the fireworks that were soon to be launched.

Raye: You were right, this is a great view!

Taylor: I offer you only the best I can. I try to be an awesome husband.

Raye: You don’t have to try, Taylor. You have always been a perfect husband for me.

Meanwhile with Ben.… Bad Presentment

Ben: Hmm?

A cut formed on his arm, nothing showing why. Ben looked around, even trying to sense out a possible source, but nothing came to him.

Ben: Why the devil does this keep happening? I should treat it before it gets infected.

Ben washed the cut, then put on a bandage on his arm. Ben walked towards his door when he heard something behind him.

Ben: Whos there?

Benzabub: Remember me?

Ben: Woah woah woah, hold on a minute.

Ben put down the lawn chair and cooler.

Ben: You were a part of me that held all the negativity in me.

Benzabub: Heh, I managed last night to escape you. That women's horrible exorcism repeled the Beelzebub that allowed me to control you. However, now I’ve finally escaped you.

Ben: You're basically the same concept as Blackheart.

Benzabub: Yes, except I’m you. I’ll join forces with Blackheart and ensure his full return.

Ben: Ah, but are you at full power?

Benzabub: I am currently exactly you in terms of power, skill, and ability. I will see you sooner than you expect. But for now, enjoy lighting up the skies, before the world is plunged into a most beautiful darkness.

Ben: Wait!

Benzabub disappeared, leaving Ben once again alone in his room.

Ben: Great. Just derping great. Now we have another evil dark clone in the game. I need to talk to Raye about putting warding seals on the ship. This way nobody elses dark half can emerge and so the ship has much better protection against the forces of darkness.

Ben heard a knock on his door just as his hand touched the handle.

Lita: Hey Ben? You in there?

Ben: Yeah, hold on a second.

Ben opened the door and picked up the lawn chair and cooler. Lita had a lawn chair and a cooler in her hands as well.

Lita: You ok?

Ben: Uh yeah. I’m just fine. We should hurry before the fireworks start before us.

Ben and Lita ran as quickly as they could with lawnchairs and coolers in tow. They sped up the stairs and found almost the entire deck had been commandeered.

Ben: Oh boy. This is gonna interesting.

Lita: Wow, it sucks to be last. Where the heck are we supposed to sit?

They looked around, searching for a space to put down the lawn chairs. They looked and saw Taylor and Raye sitting up on the meditation area.

Ben: Maybe we could set up there?

Lita: Its worth a shot. Although it might ruin the privacy of it all, but I can’t see anywhere else to sit.

Ben: Well, if nothing else, we’ll have a better view to try picking a spot on deck.

Lita: Fair enough.

Ben and Lita flew over to the meditation area, where the main hero of this series was kissing his wonderful wife.

Lita: Um, lets not disturb them.

Taylor and Raye disconnected, and looked at Ben and Lita.

Ben: Taylors namekian hearing, remember?

Lita: Ugh, I keep forgetting that part.

Taylor: Took you two long enough.

Raye: Taylor, you took some time yourself.

Taylor: I know, but still.

Raye: I know I’m gonna regret asking but… was it a-

Lita: No Raye, it wasn’t your ACCIDENT. Ben just took longer than usual.

Taylor: Something happen Ben?

Ben: Uh, no. Nothing. I just took longer to find my cooler than usual.

Taylor: Oh. Well, I know how that goes.

Raye: I sensed a little darkness leaving the ship earlier.

Lita: But.

Ben: It wasn’t who you think it was. I was getting rid of a Beelzebub, so I was wondering Raye if after all this you could put some wards on the ship?

Raye: Sure thing. You know Ben, you seem to think of the things the ship and people need a lot.

Ben: I like thinking about things and stuff. It helps me ease my conscience knowing that I help people, and not thought of as a burden.

Taylor: You’ve never been a burden on me or anyone here. Everyone here likes and accepts you.

Ben: I don’t know about that. There was the time I turned Feral for a bit…

Taylor: Ok, aside from that one time, you’ve been nothing but a valuable friend and ally for as long as I’ve known you.

Lita: We all love you the way you are Ben. But remember that nobody loves you as much as I do.

Ben: My love for you is boundless, Lita.

Taylor: If ya want, theres a nice spot over there where its nice and quiet and we won’t get in each others love lives.

Ben: Thanks Taylor. Your a great friend… ack!

Ben then started getting pulled away by Lita who impatiently walked over to the spot and they set down the lawn chairs and coolers and got settled down.

Lita: I have the feeling you're hiding something Ben. Something more happened in your room than getting the cooler and lawnchair, wasn’t there?

Ben: *sigh* Something bad happened. Remember the talk about Blackheart?

Lita: Yes? Did you see him there? Or was it that thing you were making to seal him?

Ben: Neither.

Lita: Then what?

Ben: Remember when I was possessed by Benzabub?

Lita: Yep. It was on the day Taylor and Raye got married.

Ben: Yes, well… Rayes spell had only rejected Benzabubs control over me. Now Benzabub is freed in a body of his own, equal to me in every way for now. Luckily, I learned my new attack AFTER he escaped, so I have a little advantage over him. But he is also not fully complete, and plans to assist Blackheart.

Lita: So why didn’t you tell Taylor and Raye?

Ben: First of all, I know he caught all that due to his erfing hearing.

Taylor quickly glanced away, a goofy expression on his face.

Ben: Second of all, I didn’t want to worry everyone right off the bat.

meanwhile with X and Zero

X: Say Zero do you want to go watch the fireworks with everyone else?

Zero: No I think we should just turn in for...

X: Zero?

Zero: It cannot be.

Zero was frozen still by the sight of another very familiar girl walking with Bulma.  

Zero: Iris.

Zero ran to Iris and hugged her

Zero: how are you here?

Iris: I was brought here

Zero: But how? I thought you were killed when the Repliforce went Maverick .

Iris: Yes I was. But then I was rebuilt.

Zero: By who?

Iris: Taylor knew how much you missed me, so he took it upon himself to rebuild me so you could be happy again

Zero was so happy that he held Iris for two minutes.

Zero: The next time I see Taylor I’ve got to get something to give him.

Bulma: Well, Isn’t this cute? I thought Zero here was all business.

Iris: Um…

Zero: Oh, sorry…

Zero reluctantly let go of Iris, who blushed slightly.

Bulma: Better hurry, the fireworks are about to start.

X: Change your mind Zero?

Zero: Ah screw it, fine I’ll go.

Iris: We already put down our stuff on deck. You might wanna sit there with us seeing as there is literally no more space to sit without making things uncomfortable.

X: Alright, gee thats really nice of you Iris.

Iris: I aim to please.

They walked onto the incredibly crowded deck. X whistled.

X: Well, would you look at all that. We barely have enough room on here for everyone.

Bulma: Well, follow me.

Zero, X, and Iris followed Bulma as they navigated past all the people on deck,

Zero: Just in the nick of time.

The fireworks began, several colors and effects shot into the cloudy night sky. Many ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ could be heard from the crowd, as well as the disappointment of the Y rocket, which instead of exploding like the rest, it just split into two, making a Y in the sky. But then a wide variety of fireworks went off to make up for the Y rocket, which then earned a praiseful cheer.

Meanwhile with Taylor and Raye.

Taylors face lit up with enjoyment as the lights reflected off his face, and Raye smiled.  Raye snuggled up close to Taylor and looked at the fireworks, smiling.

Raye: The fireworks are beautiful, and exciting.

Taylor: Yet still nowhere close as beautiful as you are.

Raye: You know you don’t have to flatter me constantly.

Taylor: I know. I’m just stating the obvious.

Raye: I love you Taylor.

Taylor: I love you Raye.

Taylor and Raye kissed, holding each other tightly.

Meanwhile with Ben and Lita.

Ben looked at the fireworks, enjoying himself. Lita looked at him and though he enjoyed the fireworks, the cloudy skies seemed to sadden him.

Lita: Are you okay?

Ben: Huh what? Oh, I’m fine. You enjoying the fireworks?

Lita: Yes. Its just you seem a little down.

Ben: *sigh* Its just that I can’t see the stars.

Lita: *in head* Oh yeah, thats right. Ben likes to stargaze.

Ben: But it was gonna be cloudy anyway, so the fireworks are great to spectate. CURSE YOU Y ROCKET!

Another Y rocket went off. Lita giggled a bit at Ben's reaction, then saw the happiness return when another large volley of fireworks went off.

Lita: *in head* Hmmm, Ben likes the stars and outer space stuff. I gotta keep this in mind.

Ben:  So Lita…

Lita: Yes?

Ben: Want to go on another date tomorrow?

Lita: Sure Ben. I’d love to.

Meanwhile with Taylor and Raye.

Taylor: I wonder how long Ben and Lita are gonna date.

Raye: What do you mean?

Taylor: They’re perfect for each other. They both have plenty of similarities and respect each others differences. I wonder how long it’ll be until Ben eventually proposes.

Raye: I suppose we’ll have to wait and find out. They always seemed cute together to me, but it seemed that it wasn’t until our wedding that they started making moves and realizing what they felt for each other.

Taylor: Seems kinda fast if you think about it. They slept together that night.

Raye: True. And they're still sleeping with each other.

Taylor: Ghost Nappa says they haven’t DONE anything yet.

Raye: You know, it kinda creeps me out when Ghost Nappa spies on personal business like that.

Taylor; Yeah, he is pretty creepy and perverted sometimes. Still an awesome guy, but I suppose everyone has a bad side. Much like Benzabub doing the same thing to Ben as Blackheart did to me.

Raye: I think things are about to get much harder now that Benzabub is out.My exorcism seemed to only release Benzabubs control over Bens body. I thought I ended it, I thought I was strong enough to erase something as powerful as that.

Taylor: Don’t you worry. You managed to give my best friend control to his body again. Besides, remember that Ben was making something to seal Blackheart, I’m sure he’ll just make another to seal Benzabub as well.

Raye: Yeah. We just need to remember that so long as You or Ben lives, Blackheart and Benzabub will be able to return if they get killed.

Taylor: Which is all the reason why whatever Ben is making to seal Blackheart and Benzabub is all the more important. I just wonder what it is Ben is making.

Raye: Well, who cares what it is so long as it works right?

Taylor: Yeah.

Meanwhile with Zero, X, and Iris.

Zero: Enjoying the fireworks Iris?

Iris: Yeah. I’m thrilled to see detonations again.

Zero: I didn’t mean-

Iris: Nah, its fine. They are very interesting though. So, how have you been lately?

Zero: Well, Taylor and Raye got married, we fought quite a few foes. Stuff like that.

X: We’ve been busy with stuff like that.

Iris: I see. Well, I hope the two of you are being careful.  I don’t want to lose either of you again.

X: Don’t worry.

Zero: Danger comes with the territory.

Iris: Promise me that you will do whatever it takes to protect everyone here.

Zero and X: I promise

Irs: Good. Hey Zero?

Zero: Yes?

Iris: Why does the Y rocket do that? Its very disappointing.

Zero: I think its some sort running gag of some sort.

Iris: Hmmm… Oh well. At last I have you.

Zero: At last I have you as well.

Iris’s hand fell on top accidently on Zeros hand. Noticing this, Iris blushed slightly and put her hand next to Zeros before anyone else could notice.

Meanwhile with Ben and Lita.

Lita: I’m really curious Ben. What exactly is it you plan on making to seal the evil clones?

Ben’s eyes closed, and sighed.

Ben: As I said earlier, it might be better off as a surprise.

Lita: I’m sorry. I got curious, thats all.

Ben: Don’t be sorry. I’d probably asked if I was in your position anyways.

Lita: How long does it take to make one?

Ben: It all depends. I already have all the ingredients to make two of them. I’d say about 2 hours at the most. But in order for it to work, I need to do it alone.

Lita: Will you be safe?

Ben: Yeah.

Lita: You sure?

Ben: Absolutely.

Lita: Stay with me tonight. Please?

Ben: At this rate, I might as well move in with you.

Lita: I would like that very much.

Ben: You sure?

Lita: I want to spend my life with you and only you Ben.

Ben: Alrighty then. After the fireworks and after the ritual I’ll have to do, I’ll move in with you. I’ll inform Taylor that the ship has an additional room available for whomever. I want to be will you forever, even after death.

Ben and Lita kissed, arms around each other as  the fireworks continued to explode. Taylor and Raye looked over and smirked at the sight of two true lovers, and then they themselves kissed similarly.


The couples disconnected and got ready to watch the finale of the fireworks. An enormous amount of giant explosions and exciting effects all went off in one long period, and then when it died down, two more fireworks went off, twirling around each other in a dance before exploding into a giant image of Taylor and Raye, down to every detail and color, Taylor holding the Vampire Killer and Raye holding a flaming bow, as well as holding each others hands with their free hand. The detail and effects were absolutely stunning and went on for quite some time as more fireworks went off, surrounding them with hearts.

Taylor: Wow.

Ghost nappa: You must be really full of yourself and your wife huh Taylor.

Taylor: Shut it Nappa.

Raye: Well I guess thats the end. The crew really loves us so much as to go all the trouble to do all that to make us.
© 2014 - 2024 taylorahl
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